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- 21th Anniversary INTERPOLITEX-2016. VDNH, Moscow /18-21 October, 2016/.
- 23Rd ITS World Congress. Melbourne, Australia /10-14 October, 2016/.
- "Safety is Everybody's Business" - 2nd National Prize for achievements in promotion of road safety. Moscow. /November 15, 2015/.
- 7th Russian International Congress on intelligent transport systems. /21-22 October, 2015/.
- 22nd World ITS Congress in Bordeaux. / 5-9 October, 2015/.
- 2nd International Conference “ITS On Roads”. / 23-26 September, 2015/.
- 6th International ITS Congress in Moscow. /November 5, 2014/.
- International Conference “ITS and the toll road network in Russia”. /29-30 October, 2014/.
- XXI World ITS Congress in Detroit. / 7-11 September, 2014/.
- 6th Russian International ITS Congress. /21-23 April, 2014/.
- 4th International “Russia Innotech 2013” Forum. /November 21, 2013/.
- XX World ITS Congress in Tokyo. /14-18 October, 2013/.
- Presentation of a working “ElecTraCop” UTP demo model in Tula (Russia). /October 10, 2013/.
- 14th International “XXI Century Hi-Tech” Forum and Exhibition. /24-26 April, 2013/.
- V Jubilee ITS Congress in Moscow. /18-19 April, 2013/.
- 5th Russian International ITS Congress. /12-14 March, 2013/.
- Traffic Expo 2013 – Exhibition of Traffic Security Equipment. /February 22 to March 3, 2013/.
- III International Forum “Transport infrastructure in Russia: Innovative Development”. /November 16, 2012/.
- 4th Russian International ITS Congress. /19-25 June, 2012/.
- 3rd Russian International ITS Congress. /17-20 May, 2011/.
- 2rd Russian International ITS Congress. /6-7 April, 2010/.
- Second Nanotechnology International Forum. /6-8 October, 2009/.
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